

Our First Day in Africa

Hi everyone!

So we arrived safely in Johannesburg at around 10 p.m. last night and didn't get back to where we're staying till 1 a.m. so we pretty much just crashed! :) Our house at Ebenezer Care Center is not quite finished yet, so right now we are staying about 30 min. away from the center. We're hoping and praying that we will be able to move into the house at the center soon, so keep that in your prayers! This morning/afternoon we visited Ebenezer for the first time. We met so many beautiful people and spent most of the afternoon playing with the adorable children. We are excited to get to know the people better and be able to plug in and help at the center. Hopefully we'll get better internet connection soon so we can post some pictures for you! Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we adjust to the time change, FREEZING weather, and everything else! :) Pray that we would remain flexible and be able to be a blessing to all those around us! We love and miss you all!

Abby & Shelly


Anonymous said...

Freezing!? Whoa. I hope you packed lots of hoodies to keep you warm. In Kenya, we had no internet service and had to travel to the coffee shops in order to check mail, etc. I'm sure you will enjoy the time you have with the people in the home. I know how much it means to see the smiling little faces on the little ones. God bless you. Know that I'm praying for you both and your moms too. I'm certain they miss you both very much. ~~Ruth Hudzina

Rosie Lapp said...

Glad to hear you made it. Looking forward to seeing your pictures. Thank you for the thank you card! Did you take the picture? Blue & white dishes and pearls are a few of my favorite things. But not to be compared to those smiles on the faces on those precious children. Love them like Jesus. Love ya, Rosie. (Hi Abby!)

Anonymous said...

Alright! :) You are both in my prayers, and I can't imagine how thrilled (and tired :P) you both are! :)
Love you both! :) ~Natalie

Anonymous said...

...The Powells are happy to know you are doing well. It sounds as though much joy and light of the Lord surrounds you...but even if there is a point of obstacle - keep His word with you and be encouraged:
"Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you."
May every step, every day, every thought, action, deed, be in His light and His love. Long distance hugs --- Leanne, Mark and Markia

Lexi said...

so excited for you both and glad that the flights went smoothly! praying for you guys and hope it warms up a little bit. ;o)