

Our Latest Adventure!


So today we took our first showers here on the Ebenezer property and well let's just say it was quite interesting! :) We arrived at the showers to find that there were no curtains. Upon inspecting the showers closer Abby discovered some spiders living in hers, a broken, half-working shower head, and COLD water. Meanwhile Shelly couldn't fiugre out how to close the wide open window in hers. Once we overcame these hurdles we mustered up all our courage, counted to 3, and turned on the water. Let me just say, it was COLD!!! After getting our hair all sudzed up we turned on the water to begin rinsing it and to our horror only a couple of drips came out. So we stood there, shivering, trying to figure out what to do. Meanwhile there's a man pounding on the door, rattling off something to us in Zulu. We both yelled "occupied!" and thankfully he went away. :) So yes, it was quite the experience! Although we didn't get very clean, may not have gotten all of the shampoo out of our hair, and were freezing cold the entire time, we walked back to the house with more memories made, and yet another adventure to tell! :)


Lexi said...

oh my goodness!!!!! haha you both are such troopers. glad you guys were able to make it work and laugh about it.

i'll be praying for the showers now too. ;o)

love you!

Anonymous said...

it sounds like being at creation ahaha!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is too funny! :D What a story to tell! :) Hopefully many more to come...

Still praying~

Anonymous said...

I read this last night with Christian looking over my shoulder. It sounded like a comedy routine; 3 Stoges like. Had a good laugh. I have to say that this story is well written; as it gives the reader an interesting visual. It sounds like you need a water heater with those showers, not to mention water. Yikes! Anyway, sponge baths from now on.

Christian says hi! and sends his love.

God bless you.
~Ruth Hudzina

christa said...

I laughed out loud! That's a classic story, and yes, very well written. :) I'm so glad you can see it all as an adventure! There is no better way to live life!