

We moved in!

So we officially moved into our house at Ebenezer yesterday! It feels good to be getting more settled in here! This week we'll finish up the main room in our house (we'll post pictures when it's all finished!), and just continue to get to know everyone here better. Next week we'll start working in the preschool and doing weekly Bible Studies for all the different age groups. So please us in your prayers as we prepare for both of those things!

This morning we we did a little Bible lesson and some games with a small group of kids here that have not been able to get into school yet. (Either they came too late in the year to start or the schools are just too full) So that was a lot of fun! We are planning to keep working with them this week before we get involved in the preschool and stuff.

The rest of our day was spent cleaning out the preschool storage room, which is...ahem...well let's just say it's quite the job! :) We also helped some of the kids with their studies when they got home from school. Their exams are coming up this week and they are all a little nervous, so keep them in your prayers! And just now we got back from playing a super fun game of Uno with some of the youth in the dining hall. It's a lot of fun getting to know everyone better!

We're both feeling better today which is a praise! Continue to pray that we would stay healthy and strong so that we can better serve the Lord and His precious people here in South Africa!

Much love to you all!

Shelly & Abby

We just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your sweet and encouraging comments that you leave on this blog for us! What a blessing it is to have such a wonderful, loving group of people supporting us! May God bless each one of you!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! :D He's always faithful. :)
Praising God with you~

Lexi said...

praise God!!! thats awesome about the house! will keep praying for you both as well as all the kiddos you two are going to be working with. :)