

A few photos

Here are a few photos we thought you might enjoy.

Bill teaching at youth group on Friday night...

And here are a few of the precious children we get to love on everyday!


Natalie Swansen :) said...

By the looks of those faces, you guys are gettin' really loved on over there! :) Love your hat in the 1st picture, Abbs. :) You guys must be freezing! It's 80 degrees here, but it feels much hotter, and probably vice versa for you. ;D

Love you both! Still praying!

Lexi said...

wow - it really must be freezing over there! can't imagine, since like natalie said its been super hot here. Those kids are adorable!!! lucky you. :)

thinking of you both! keep strong and stay warm!
xox Lexi

Ruth Hudzina said...

Ditto on the freezing! You two look so cold. :( But, I bet your hearts are warmed up everyday with those cute faces of the children. Praying that God is opening up those doors of opportunity to share Jesus in a mighty way. God bless you.

Christian and I (Tom is in Barcelona, Spain) are speaking tomorrow night about our trip to Kenya. Given very little time; pray that the time allotted us will be enough to share all that God had shown us. Kenya is still very close to Christian's heart.

P.S. Did Michelle Obama show up to give you a hand at Ebenezer?

Love you.

Ruth Hudzina

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Hudzina,

Shelly and I will both be praying for when you and Christian share about Kenya tomorrow. We wish that we could be there to hear it! We'll all have to get together to sawp stories and pictures when we get back. :)

Abby and Shelly