


Hi all!

So today was our second morning working in the preschool here at Ebenezer, and we're pretty much exhausted! :) In our class we have fifteen 3 year olds, 3 babies, and one other teacher. So yeah, it's a lot of work! We're gonna have some pretty sick arm muscles when we get home from holding babies all day. :) You should hear us, we both sound like old ladies, groaning and complaing constanly about our aching backs. :) No, but really, we're doing fine! :)

So far the teachers have been very receptive to the schedules that we have brought in. Before they really had no structure at all, so this is a huge step for them! Keep praying that they will catch on quickly and that after we leave they will continue with what we're teaching them. Also pray for us that we would have the strength and energy that we need to get through each day.

We will post some pictures of preschool at the end of the week, so check back for that! Love and miss you all!

Shelly & Abby


Unknown said...

Sounds like God is busy!

Glad you are both doing so well!

Blessings and prayers for you both!
Mrs. Samter

Natalie :D said...

Aww how awesome! :) I'm sure that you two are doing a terrific job teaching those kids. :) Will keep praying!


Anonymous said...

Wow! This weekend I only had to take care of my 3 grandsons, and that was exhausting! I can't begin to imagine so many 3 year olds at one time. Yikes. Our Daniel (the youngest) is in that category. You need roller skates to keep up with him and you can't lose sight of him (or else!). Hey, it's okay to complain about the aches and pains. That comes with the territory. It never ends btw! It sounds like the job that God had intended for you both is enjoyable and educational too.

We had a bit of a hot spell here, but now it's chilly. I hope that the weather has warmed up for you and that you are both feeling better.

God bless you. Enjoy your time with the people at Ebenezer.

~Ruth Hudzina

Anonymous said...

Hello girls! Hope you are accomplishing all that God had intended for you. What's the news on the shower situation?

I wanted to share something that I just read. This young man is a believer and wanted to give his testimony at his high school as Valedictorian. Of course, the administration and staff at his high school would not allow him to read his speech the way that he wanted to. He explains that in this article.

Anyway, I found a site that posted his entire speech. Our freedoms are quickly being taken away from us. I'm posting the article for everyone that visits to read.

If it doesn't appear as a link, copy and paste it.

My heart breaks for him.

God bless you.
~Ruth Hudzina

Vern said...

Mrs. Hudzina,

We tried to look at the article you mentioned above, but it wouldn't let us. Do you have to have a subscription to view the articles?

Shelly & Abby

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'm gonna paste the article on the comment page. Gotta go copy the article on print mode and I'll post it in another comment.

I'll be back.

Ruth Hudzina said...

I couldn't post the article in this box because the length of the article was too long. Anyway, I'm no longer anonymous. I signed on as a blogger so I posted the article on my blog. My name is MommaHudz. I hope I figure out what I'm doing. :)