

Some more pictures

Here's some photos from the last couple of days that we thought you might enjoy!

Playing our nightly game of uno with the youth. By the time this trip is over, we won't ever want to see an uno card again! :)

This is the view from our bedroom window, beautiful, huh?!


Anonymous said...

Yes, the view is gorgeous....

What's up with UNO? When I was in Russia, we played like ten games of it while we were at the dorm! Something about UNO and missions trips...weird. :D

The pictures are all beautiful; I definitely miss you guys, but you're probably growing and learning SO much right now, so I'm glad for you both. Keeping you in my prayers; in a week, I'll shout hi down-continent to you! :D God bless you!

Love, Haleigh

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures! Yeah, what's up with UNO? All the teens in China thought it was amazingly fun...besides the first three games, I have to disagree. :P


Anonymous said...

Wonderful pics. :)

Are those little ones as cold as you? Or, are they tough-skinned? Maybe, for next year, it would be a good idea to collect some warm articles of clothing to send down there. You think?

Just when you thought the cold and flu season was behind you; you head right back in to it. Hope you've built up your resistance.

God bless you both.

P.S. we are having a heat wave back home. 99 degrees here today.

~Ruth Hudzina

Jason said...

Praying the love of Jesus will "warm" your hearts... : )

Lexi said...

it looks like you guys are having an amazing experience...UNO cards and all. =)