So we decided to try to do like a weekly prayer update post for you all, so you know some specific things you can be praying for us about, k! So here's this weeks:
Please pray for...
- Our health. We're both battling colds and our systems are just trying to adjust to the water and food and stuff.
- Flexibility and patience. We're learning that both of those things are SO important! Pray that we would just be able to be open to whatever God has for us and that we wouldn't hold onto our agenda too tightly.
- Our move to Ebenezer. We're planning to move into our house there tomorrow, so pray that everything would go smoothly with that!
- The people at Ebenezer. Bill and Susan (the missionary couple we are serving with) have been put in charge of all the children's homes at Ebenezer. So we will be kind of enforcing the rules and overseeing stuff. Just pray that the people would have open hearts and minds and that we would have patience and be understanding of cultural differences.
- Shelly and I both adjusted to the time change very well!
- The house at Ebenezer got finished!
We are so blessed to be able to serve here in South Africa. We are so thankful for all your prayers and support.
Abby & Shelly
Awesome! I'll be praying. :)
Hey, Abby! :) Good to hear from you guys again. Praying for both of you every day. Keep being a blessing!
I just lost my entire post! Argh.
I will pray for you concerning that agenda thing.
Proverbs 16:9
I hope that you have lots of fresh fruits to eat. I know how difficult it is to eat meals from another culture. It was funny that, while in Africa, we ate Mexican and Italian cuisine. We did eat the meals that they served on a regular basis, but it wasn't palatable for me. I was always looking for the fruits. Mmmmm.
God bless you. Be in the word. Get rest. And take care of those colds. Soon you'll be right as rain. :)
~Ruth Hudzina (2 Tim. 2:2)
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