

Week #4 Prayer Update

Well, we are officially halfway through our trip already! God has taught us so much and we are both excited to take what we have learned and apply it to our lives at home.

Here's this weeks praise and prayer update!


  • That we got through another week without getting sick or hurt.
  • For all the lessons that God has been teaching us so far. There are too many to list here on the blog, but we can't wait to come home and share them with you all!
  • That the Bible Studies and youth group are going well and that the people here are responding with open hearts and minds. It's so cool to see them begin to have a hunger and thirst for the Word of God.
  • That the workers have begun to build a bathroom and shower onto our house! We are very excited and hope that it will be finished before we leave! :)

  • Please pray for Amanda & Shirley, 2 women from our church who are coming to serve here in South Africa for a week. They will be here from July 8 until July 17. Pray for safety as they travel and adjust and that they would be blessed and be a blessing while they are here. Also pray for us as we help Bill & Susan prepare for their coming.
  • Continued health & strength
  • Hot showers and warmer weather. :)
  • This coming week we will be focusing on spending some time ministering to the elderly here at Ebenezer. Please pray that we would be able to be a blessing to these precious men and women and that through us God would touch their hearts with His love.
We love and miss you all!

Shelly & Abby

1 comment:

Natalie Swansen :) said...

I was so glad to see that you posted! :)

Will definitely be praying for both of you. It's amazing that four weeks have flown by the same time, it's seemed as if they've dragged on. :) I'm sure that God's been doing a lot over there.

Love you both! Hugs from all of us in PA!
